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Obama Administration Releases Strategic IP Enforcement Plan

The Obama administration released a three-year strategic plan for intellectual property (“IP”) enforcement earlier this week. The 163-page plan, entitled “ Supporting Innovation, Creativity, & Enterprise: Charting a Path Ahead ”, seeks to guide the work of the U.S. government in support of IP enforcement. Its goals include:

1. enhancing national understanding of the economic and social impacts caused by misappropriation of trade secrets and the infringement of IP;
2. promoting a safe and secure Internet by reducing counterfeiting and IP-infringing activity online;
3. securing and facilitating lawful trade; and
4. enhancing domestic strategies and global collaboration in favour of effective IP enforcement.

The plan not only sets the framework for the work to be carried out, but also calls on nations, industry, and other stakeholders to provide leadership and a collaborative approach to combat IP infringement.

For more information, the White House’s summary of the plan can be found here.

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