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Federal Court of Appeal Considers Sufficiency of Disclosure in Patent Applications

In Eli Lilly Canada Inc. v. Apotex Inc., (2024 FCA 72), the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) considered the threshold for sufficient disclosure of a patent application in reviewing the decision of the Federal Court that found various claims of Canadian Patent No. 2,226,784 to be invalid.

The appeal centered largely on the definition of a “physiologically acceptable salt of tadalafil” and whether the patent provided sufficient disclosure regarding physiologically acceptable salts of tadalafil.

While the FCA confirmed that a patent specification may be sufficient even if some amount of non-inventive trial and error experimentation is required to re-create the invention, the FCA ultimately upheld the decision of the Federal Court citing evidence that the search for a physiologically acceptable salt of tadalafil requires a lot of experimental work and requires a skilled person to exercise some degree of inventiveness.

A copy of the full decision is available here.

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