Taking Your Patent Portfolio Global

Oyen Wiggs is proud to be sponsoring a Life Sciences of BC seminar on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre.

The seminar will be providing tips and strategies for effectively taking your company’s patent portfolio global.  Lawyers from Oyen Wiggs will provide a brief overview of the patent filing process, tips for the effective use of provisional patent applications, and an overview of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) filing process.  Important considerations for select countries where Canadian companies frequently pursue patent protection will also be briefly reviewed.

Cynthia Shippam-Brett, Industrial Technical Advisor, National Research Council Canada will share her perspectives on issues faced by companies taking their patent portfolios global, and Graeme Herring, V.P. of Intellectual Property Strategy at Terramera Inc., will share an in-house perspective on dealing with the challenges of developing and managing a global patent portfolio.

This seminar will be of interest to scientists and business executives who are involved with IP on a strategic level, including those with an interest in learning more about how the global patent system works and strategies for navigating that system successfully.  A networking reception with refreshments will follow the seminar.

Speakers Include:

  • Jayde Wood, Associate, Oyen Wiggs
  • Stephanie Melnychuk, Associate, Oyen Wiggs
  • Jennifer Marles, Partner, Oyen Wiggs
  • Cynthia Shippam-Brett, Industrial Technical Advisor, National Research Council Canada
  • Graeme Herring, V.P. of Intellectual Property Strategy at Terramera Inc. (LifeSciences Company of the Year)

To Register for the event, click here.

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