IP Law: New industry and regulatory developments

Jayde Wood will be speaking at the next Canadian Lawyer IP webinar, Navigating your IP strategy in uncertain times on Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 at 12:00 noon

Protecting your intellectual property is critical in a climate in which intangible assets have become drivers of the economy and business growth. With the landscape in Canada undergoing significant legal changes, organizations need to stay up to date to protect their current and future assets. How can they ensure their IP strategies stay on track as COVID-19 progresses? What are the key issues and trends they need to know and understand? How can organizations navigate these uncertain times while ensuring their proprietary property is protected? What opportunities are available to rights holders to better protect their assets, both now and in the future?

• Updates on key amendments and major developments impacting IP strategy, including: Copyrights | Trademarks | Patents | Industrial Designs
• How to best protect your proprietary information and trade secrets
• How recent legislative changes could affect your IP goals and strategy
• What emerging policy changes are on the horizon? What will they mean for rights holders?

Registration and more information here.