3 Tips for Wellness at Your Desk – Tips for Busy Lawyers

Stephanie Melnychuk will be teaming up with CLEBC to provide practical strategies for staying healthy while meeting the demands of the practice of law on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at the Pan Pacific, Vancouver, BC.

In recent years, there has come to be recognition that lawyer wellness is central to the practice of law. Reports in the US and Canada point to a profession in crisis. Lawyers want and need to be better equipped to avoid threats to personal wellness from stress, substance use, and mental health issues. Law firms want to address these issues with strategies that promote peak performance. What is good for lawyers, therefore is good for their firms.

This course is geared towards equipping individual lawyers and those who manage teams of lawyers in wellness practice. You will walk away with both theory and practices that you can implement to increase day-to-day wellness within your firm.

Join Stephanie and other presenters for an informative session: https://www.cle.bc.ca/3-tips-for-wellness-at-your-desk/ #clebc #iplawyershavemorefun #keepfitandhavefun